2016 Fiysabiylillah USA – A year in reflection

by Nafeeza Hooseinny-Nabibaksh, Director-Fiysabiylillah USA (2016)

As Muslim American’s face challenges of Patriotism and Islamic identity amidst new leadership in this country, it forces many of us to become what we should have always been – Ambassadors of this beautiful religion in every walk of life. How we live our life, our dealings with others, our actions when tested, these are the things that must define us as better people, these are the things that defined our Prophets as true leaders. Living our life true to the exemplary teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will always persevere over ignorance and fear.

Alhamdulillah, Fiysabiylillah USA continues to move forward slowly,
In Ramadhan 2016 we collected over $1,200.00 from the Islamic Centre of South Lake County towards International Food hampers in countries such as Jordan, Tanzania and Pakistan. In addition, we partnered with a group in Tanzania, coordinated by Hawa Sardar (longtime member of Fiysabiylillah) to sacrifice several cows during Eid-ul Adha and had the meat distributed to poor in the rural villages of Suguta, Kidete, Mafisa, Kilwa masoko/orphanage, and Kisiwani. Alhamdulillah, it was reported that they were very appreciative for the meat provided. May Allah(SWT) accept all our sacrifices.

With 2017 brings personal change as I move from the Orlando area to South Florida.
Having made connections with masjids and volunteers over the past three years I will have to start over once again in a new community. Building relationships with Islamic organizations, volunteers, and developing a donor base from scratch takes time and connections. But with Allah’s (SWT) help we will continue to move forward and have doors open for us beyond our expectations.

It is with these small challenges I reflect, and appreciate the sacrifices of women in our organization that have to juggle demands and pressures of family, work, and social obligations. It is with patience we understand when a volunteer falls off the radar due to family obligations or demands beyond her control. Which is why I have come to appreciate the simplicity, maybe even chaotic nature of this organization some may cringe at. While we all juggle our lives, Fiysabiylillah continues to represent what women can achieve while maintaining a sense of moderation and balance within their own lives. We may not change the world, but we change ourselves, and in doing so, Insha Allah we change each other.


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