Please join hands to raise funds for the Healthcare Project in Baltistan, Pakistan by Fiysabiylillah Compassionate Aid
Organization and Zubeda Khaliq Free
Memorial Hospital (ZKFMH).
Summary: Batistan is a small and very remote cornered
area in Pakistan composed of hilly territory and unmaintained roads. With no
fully operated hospital, the people are deprived of basic healthcare facilities
and services. The goal of this project is to raise Cdn$50 000 for:
The training of 10 women in public healthcare
provision and the establishment of 10 public health care centers within 10
remote villages in Baltistan. -
Free basic health education to the local population
especially women. -
Free healthcare to women, children and the elderly
The purchase of medical supplies.
The purchase of an all-terrain vehicle for easy
accessibility to hospital and remote villages.
Please donate generously for this noble cause. May Allah, the Almighty shower His blessings and may He reward you for your good intention and deed. Insha-Allah.
Ameen. Click here for Pledge Form or Donate online.